"Gasland" filmmaker removed from House committee hearing

If there is one documentary that has affected me more than most, it was Josh Fox’s 2010 environmental investigative piece. The film focused on the use of hydraulic fracking to mine for natural gas, the environmental impacts associated with it, and the tumultuous political fight over the issue. It was incredibly received by critics, including an Academy Award nomination for best documentary feature (for whatever that’s worth). Since its release, the film has been lauded with praise and criticized as having factual errors.
In plans to shoot a sequel to the film, which I will only assume is called BadGasLand out of punnery, Fox was recently removed from the House Science and Technology after the motion of Rep.  Andy Harris (Maryland), who coincidentally is a proponent of fracking. After he was removed the head Democrat on the committee, Raleigh, North Carolina rep. Brad Miller made a motion to have them restored back into the room.  By “them” I am referring to the ABC news crew who also were removed on the grounds that they did not have proper authorization to be there.

So, without proper authorization, why did Fox think it would be ok? Well, for one thing, the hearing was broadcasted on both the web and C-Span for anyone to see. Also, Fox mentioned that he had requested permission, but had never heard word back before the hearing. So, out of some sense of rationality, he decided to just go anyway.

Then he was removed for no apparent reason.

Fox is currently prepping Gasland 2 for HBO.

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