KFC: The 30 Day Batman Challenge-Day 1

I recently became aware, after perusing the Internet of course, of a new trend that's became popular: The 30 Day Batman Challenge. Every day, a new question is raised and fans give their answer for that specific question for that day. And being the huge Bat fan that I am, I thought: What the Hell? I'd love to lend my opinion.

The 1st Day: Name the first Batman comic you read.

I thought a lot about this, trying to remember very hard about what it could have been. Comics have always been in my life, so remembering specifically one was very difficult. I'm positive that I've read some before this but this is the first one I can remember distinctly: Batman Gotham Adventures #52.

I still have tons of issues for the second half of this series, and they hold up rather well. Made after The New Batman Adventures, borrowing from its art style and continuity, the series told lots of great short stories with Batman and his extended family. It had a series that followed, Batman Adventures, that was basically the exact same thing, which gave me my single favorite single issue of all time, Batman Adventures #17. But anyways, onto this specific issue.

Robin (Tim Drake) is undercover in an orphanage that is serving as a front and training ground for Bane. He makes friends with one boy (his name currently escapes me) and tries to get him out of trouble. However, Bane is very demanding of them all and eventually makes them rob a store in order to prove their allegiance. Robin eventually lures Bane into a trap Batman set up, with the two proceeding to duke it out in the rain.

This was one of the first times I saw Bane as more than a steroid thug, which is what he was presented in quite infamously in Batman and Robin. He's way more smarter and calculated than that. Also, I loved the artwork here, mimicking the style I so loved in the animated series. Overall, this was a really solid issue, one I certainly proud to remember as my first Batman comic.

Tomorrow: Favorite Batman Costume

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